The importance of knowing
digital file Black & White Sound 1969 24:56

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Summary: This film shows how a recently devised set of screening examinations (developed by the Spastics Society) can show developmental delay in young children, and enable a child to be diagnosed early in order for the proper care to be put in place. 4 segments.
Title number: 18080
LSA ID: LSA/21237
Description: Segment 1 The narrator explains that it is difficult to assess children who have speech, hearing or thought process problems. The numbers of disabled children is increasing as the infant mortality rate drops in the UK, and doctors and care teams may find it difficult to assess disabilities. Parents talk about how they were told that their children's conditions were not as serious as they turned out to be. Dr Dorothy Eagan discusses how experts in paediatrics, public health, education, psychiatry and psychology have now evolved a set of developmental screening examinations designed to show developmental delay in babies and young children. An example of a test is shown, with a doctor examining the movements and senses of an 8-month-old girl. Similar tests are performed with a baby who has cerebral palsy. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:23:16 Length: 00:06:23:16 Segment 2 More children are tested using the specially devised developmental tests, including a child with hearing difficulties and children with cerebral palsy. Time start: 00:06:23:16 Time end: 00:12:40:17 Length: 00:06:17:01 Segment 3 Dr Ronald McKeith discusses how these developmental screenings need to be universal and periodic as standard, but how this may not happen for a long time. Children who have disabilities then need to go on to an assessment centre. The Spastics Society's assessment centre in Fitzroy Square in London is shown. Parents and children are shown playing and undertaking training at the centre. The centre also uses consultants in psychiatry and psychology, as well as a vocational therapist. A psychologist assesses a young boy's intelligence and perception with a word test. Time start: 00:12:40:17 Time end: 00:18:34:07 Length: 00:05:53:15 Segment 4 The psychologist assesses the boy with a drawing test. The Spastic Society's psychiatrist discusses how more centres are urgently needed. Parents talk of the benefits they have felt from attending the centre. Time start: 00:18:34:07 Time end: 00:24:56:18 Length: 00:06:22:11
Credits: written and directed by Philip Wrestler, produced by Anne Deeley and narrated by Elspet Gray.
Further information: This film was donated to Wellcome Trust by Scope. This film has Greek subtitles.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Disabled Children
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Fitzroy Square