Talk about insulin
digital file Colour Sound 1959 13:19

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Summary: Dr Liston interviews two specialists of the day Prof. Charles H. Best of Toronto and Dr. R. D. Lawrence of London. Prof. Best discovered insulin alongside Dr. Frederick Banting, and Dr. Lawrence was one of the first diabetics to receive insulin. He went on to research diabetes and insulin in his medical career. 2 segments.
Title number: 18057
LSA ID: LSA/21214
Description: Segment 1 Dr Liston asks Prof. Best to describe the moment when he and Dr Banting first realised they had been successful in treating a diabetic dog. He describes this period of research, in July 1921, and Dr Lawrence asks further questions. Dr Lawrence then describes the period of his life from when he was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 27, to when his doctor contacted him to tell him of insulin. He had been very ill, but says that from the first few days of treatment with insulin he knew his condition would vastly improve. He also describes how in the early C.20th, people with diabetes would die within a few years of diagnosis. Prof. Best then describes how he and Dr Banting furthered their research. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:47:16 Length: 00:06:47:16 Segment 2 Prof. Best describes how hectic the early days of insulin production were, and how at one time they ran out completely, and some patients died as a result. He tells some more anecdotes about treating patients, and about how prevention of diabetes is the ultimate goal of his research. They discuss the possibility of taking insulin in a way other than injection. Dr Lawrence talks of the difference that insulin made to his life. Time start: 00:06:47:16 Time end: 00:13:19:04 Length: 00:06:31:13
Credits: Directed and produced by Dr Brian Stanford of Film Surveys Ltd. and funded by the British Insulin Manufacturers Association.
Keywords: Diabetes; Medicine -- History; Insulin
Locations: United Kingdom; England