Anterior and posterior plaster beds
digital file Black & White Silent 1936 10:55

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Summary: A demonstration by diagram and illustration of preparing anterior and posterior shells (beds made out of plaster bandages) in the treatment of tuberculosis of the spine in children. Two case studies are demonstrated, both young boys. 2 segments.
Title number: 18047
LSA ID: LSA/21204
Description: Segment 1 The first case study shows the making of an anterior plaster bed. The intertitles note that plaster beds are used in the treatment of spinal tuberculosis when x-rays have shown that the vertebrae are commencing recalcification. The patient, a young boy, lies in position on a frame that can be adjusted to hyper-extend the spine. His skin is prepared with Vaseline. The plaster slabs are applied to his torso, and illustrations show where the plaster is applied. The bed being complete, the patient is lain face down on it, with what appears to be a weight pressing down on his back. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:37:08 Length: 00:05:37:08 Segment 2 The second case study shows the making of a posterior plaster bed. This bed is used for the treatment of tuberculosis of the low and mid dorsal spine. The patient, a young boy, lies face down with arms stretched backwards. His skin is prepared with Vaseline. The plaster slabs are applied, and a diagram shows how they will be placed. The thighs are also cast in plaster. The boy is shown lying on his plaster bed. Time start: 00:05:37:08 Time end: 00:10:55:05 Length: 00:05:17:22
Credits: Produced by Dr. G.T. Barras at the Abergele Sanatorium, Manchester.
Keywords: Pediatrics; Orthopedics; Tuberculosis, Spinal -- therapy; Casts, Surgical
Locations: United Kingdom; England; Manchester; Abergele Sanatorium