Treatment of female gonorrhoea
digital file Black & White Silent 1937 11:38

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Summary: A brief review of the method used in the Whitechapel Clinic before the advent of sulphonaides and penicillin. The equipment needed, the process of taking smears, and the physical examination of the vaginal area are shown. 2segments.
Title number: 18001
LSA ID: LSA/21158
Description: Segment 1 The intertitles list all the equipment needed to perform an examination of a suspected case of female gonorrhoea. The trolley filled with the equipment is shown. The lower body of the patient is shown with her legs spread apart and a towel over her knees. A 'general survey' of the area is made before swabbing the vulva. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:49:05 Length: 00:05:49:05 Segment 2 The process of taking and preparing a urethral culture and smear is shown. A speculum is passed into the vagina. A vagina culture plate is inocculated. The specimen is prepared. The vagina is swabbed and a cervical culture and smear are taken from the cervix canal. The doctor examines the vagina with his finger to ascertain the condition of the uterus. The instruments are washed and sterilised. Time start: 00:05:49:05 Time end: 00:11:38:16 Length: 00:05:49:11
Credits: Produced by Dr. Neville Mascall at the Whitechapel Clinic, London and photographed by Mr. N.W. Hewitt and Mr. C. Green. With permission of Col. E.T. Burke, director of Whitechapel Clinic.
Further information: This is a longer version of the film 'Routine Examination' (9 min.) RSM273.
Keywords: Physical Examination; Gonorrhea; Female Urogenital Diseases; Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Whitechapel Clinic