Bathing and dressing: Part 2
digital file Black & White Silent 1935 10:38

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Summary: A two-part film made for mothers-to-be, looking at the correct way to bathe a baby. This second part shows, among other things washing the body, drying, putting on a fresh nappy, dressing and making up the cot. 2 segments.
Title number: 17999
LSA ID: LSA/21156
Description: Segment 1 The mother undresses the baby and bathes it. The intertitles give advice on how best to lift the baby into the bath, how to wash it and how to dry it. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:35:18 Length: 00:04:35:18 Segment 2 The mother puts a fresh nappy on the baby, with the intertitles giving advice on the correct method. The baby is dressed. The cot is made up, again with advice from the intertitles. The baby is put in the cot and falls asleep. The intertitles state that 'perfect development is the result of breast feeding and careful mother craft'. Time start: 00:04:35:18 Time end: 00:10:37:24 Length: 00:06:02:06
Keywords: Infant, Newborn; Maternal Behavior
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Shoreditch; Carnegie Welfare Centre