Body framework
digital file Black & White Silent 1920s 16:21

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Summary: General considerations. Examples of mammalian skeletal variations. Naked eye structure of bone. Chemical constitution of bone. Growth and repair of bone. Rickets. Joints. 3 segments.
Title number: 17982
LSA ID: LSA/21139
Description: Segment 1 Various animal skeletons are shown, including a giraffe, rhinoceros, elephant, mouse, horse, dog, monkey, gorilla and a human skeleton. A jellyfish is also shown to demonstrate an animal that has no skeleton. The intertitles explain that the skeleton provides protection. For example, the skull and ribs protect vital organs. Men are shown playing American football. The anatomy of a bone is explained. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:26:08 Length: 00:05:26:08 Segment 2 The bone is sawn in half and the anatomy of the bone is further looked at. A diagram shows a section of bone highly magnified. The mineral substance is removed from a bone by soaking it in nitric acid. The result is a very flexible bone. A bone is dried, to show that drying makes bones brittle. A bone is burnt, to show that burning leaves behind only the mineral substances. Next, growth and repair of bone is explained. An adult male, a teenage boy and a young boy are shown. An animation explains how their bones grow until they reach full size. Broken bones are explained. In children, bones sometimes bend without breaking completely, but adult bones are more brittle and break. Time start: 00:05:26:08 Time end: 00:10:59:15 Length: 00:05:33:07 Segment 3 The treatment for a broken bone is shown. A bone which was broken and then healed is shown. Rickets is explained, and a young boy with rickets is shown walking in a garden. The intertitles advise that cod liver oil and sunlight prevent rickets. Various joints of the body are shown working in animations. The body in movement is shown by an acrobat and by men diving into a swimming pool. Time start: 00:10:59:15 Time end: 00:16:21:10 Length: 00:05:21:20
Keywords: Skeleton; Anatomy; Bone and Bones; Rickets; Joints
Locations: United States; Massachusetts