Sub-conjunctival cataract extraction
digital file Black & White Silent 1933 14:18

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Summary: A black and white, silent film, made up of a series of illustrations of a number of different cataract operations. The sequences show the different types of cataracts and a variety of procedures to remove or treat them. 3 segments.
Title number: 17981
LSA ID: LSA/21138
Description: Segment 1 Clips of various stages of different operations are edited together. The lens capsule is opened with a knife. An instrument is used to hold the eye open during the operation. Various stages of a cataract extraction are shown. The eye is irrigated. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:26:23 Length: 00:04:26:23 Segment 2 A complete operation is shown from beginning to end, from the lens capsule being incised to the eyes being bandaged. Time start: 00:04:26:23 Time end: 00:10:13:04 Length: 00:05:46:06 Segment 3 A montage of eyes after treatment is shown. Time start: 00:10:13:04 Time end: 00:14:18:06 Length: 00:04:05:02
Credits: Produced by Norman Fleming
Keywords: Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures; Cataract Extraction; Eye
Locations: United Kingdom; England