Spirochaeta pallida and its destruction by the defensive bodies of the organism
digital file Black & White Silent 1931 13:58

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Summary: This film shows in microscopic footage the gradual deterioration of treponema pallidum, the organism that causes syphilis. 2 segments.
Title number: 17980
LSA ID: LSA/21137
Description: Segment 1 The spontaneous movements of spirochaeta pallida are shown in high magnification. The formation of chains and loops is shown. Spirochaetes form clusters. Gradual decomposition of spirochaetes is shown. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:52:03 Length: 00:06:52:03 Segment 2 The effect of the extract of lympatic organs from immunised animals is shown. At first, the spirochaetes are mobile, then some become motionless. The effects grow and more become motionless. Granulations form in slightly swollen spirochaetes. Progressive granular decay of spirochaetes is shown, with numbers of bacteria diminishing. Time start: 00:06:52:03 Time end: 00:13:58:19 Length: 00:07:06:16
Credits: Produced by Dr. S. Bergel
Keywords: Microbiology; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Treponema pallidum; Syphilis
Locations: Germany