Control of bleeding
digital file Black & White Silent 1933 11:34

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Summary: This black and white, silent film shows the movements of blood circulation and demonstrates pictorially how a haemorrhage can be brought under control by pressure over the wound and pressure points. 2 segments.
Title number: 17973
LSA ID: LSA/21130
Description: Segment 1 An animation shows the circulation of the blood in the body, along with actual footage of blood moving through arteries. Methods for controlling bleeding from wounds are demonstrated on subjects, and animations show the flow of the blood in relation to the wound and pressure points. Methods of controlling arterial bleeding from wounds in the arm, head, face and throat are demonstrated. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:09:05 Length: 00:05:09:05 Segment 2 Methods of controlling arterial bleeding from wounds in the shoulder and leg are demonstrated. The use of a tourniquet is demonstrated. Bleeding from the vein is discussed using animations and footage of blood flowing through a vein. The method of controlling venous bleeding by compress and bandages is shown, as well as how to elevate a bleeding limb. The intertitles note that a doctor should be called in the event of serious bleeding. Time start: 00:05:09:05 Time end: 00:11:34:04 Length: 00:06:24:24
Further information: Made in co-operation with the Department of Biology and Public Health, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Keywords: Emergency Medicine; Hemorrhage; Blood
Locations: United States