Recto-sigmoidectomy for complete procidentia of the rectum: Miles' operation
digital file Black & White Silent 1933 10:36

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Summary: Demonstration of operation showing level of amputation. The muscular coat of the bowel is exposed and incised, opening the anterior peritoneal pouch. Control of the superior haemorrhoidal vessels and division of the rectal wall are shown. The rectum is peeled downwards. A ligature is used to secure the mesocolic vessels. Closure of the peritoneal cavity is shown, the wall of the sigmoid is sutured in layers to the remains of the rectal wall and the operation is completed by the insertion of drainage. 2 segments.
Title number: 17972
LSA ID: LSA/21129
Description: Segment 1 A lengthy intertitle gives the details of the operation and explains the various steps of the procedure. An incision is made in the protruding rectum. The edges of the wound are retracted to expose the bowel muscles. An incision is made in the bowel. The rectum is peeled downwards to expose the pelvic colon, which is drawn down as far as possible. The rectal wall is divided. The blood vessels are tied. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:28:10 Length: 00:05:28:10 Segment 2 The edges of the peritoneum are sutured. The bowel is divided completely. Sutures are performed. A swab is inserted into the anus. The anus is shown at the end of the operation. The portion of removed bowel is displayed to the camera. Time start: 00:05:28:10 Time end: 00:10:36:08 Length: 00:05:07:23
Credits: By W. Ernest Miles
Keywords: Colorectal Surgery; Rectum; Rectal Prolapse
Locations: United Kingdom; England