Plaster bandage technique: Part 2
digital file Black & White Silent 1930 11:31

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Summary: Shows in outline the preparation of padded plasters of the lower limbs. 2 segments.
Title number: 17960
LSA ID: LSA/21117
Description: Segment 1 The application of a plaster bandage to a patient's hip is shown. The intertitles describe the steps of the procedure. Wool bandage and laths of wood are used in this process. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:39:08 Length: 00:05:39:08 Segment 2 An abdominal window is cut into the bandage of the patient. Two methods of removing plaster bandages are shown, one using cutters and the other by softening the plaster with water and then cutting it with a scalpel. Time start: 00:05:39:08 Time end: 00:11:31:24 Length: 00:05:52:16
Credits: Produced by Alan Todd.
Keywords: Orthopedics; Bandages; Hip
Locations: United Kingdom; England