Wanted for life
digital file Black & White Sound 1951 7:33

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Summary: A dramatised film about the importance of the blood transfusion service. A young girl has a serious fall in the countryside and her life is saved only by calling in the blood transfusion service. 1 segment.
Title number: 17947
LSA ID: LSA/21104
Description: Segment 1 Two young children are playing on a hill when the girl falls. A man runs to help and sees her unconscious. In the next scene, a doctor arrives at the family's farm to examine the girl, who is still unconscious. He says she has internal haemorrhaging and needs to get her to hospital, but she will need a blood transfusion first. He calls the hospital and speaks to the blood transfusion officer, who in turns, calls another doctor who takes the blood to the ambulance. The ambulance drives the blood to the farm while the parents wait, anxious and smoking cigarettes. Dramatically, the ambulance is held up by a level crossing. The ambulance arrives and the blood transfusion is given. The doctor says she is stronger and she wakes up. They drive her to the hospital and she is operated on. The surgeon meets the parents and says she will be alright. The parents thank the surgeon, but he says that the people who really saved her life were the blood donors. As the girl is seen playing happily, the surgeon's voice is heard saying that they are short of blood and asks, 'How about you Sir, and you Madam, won't you help?' Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:07:33:13 Length: 00:07:33:13
Further information: This video is made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive.
Keywords: Public health; Blood Transfusion; Blood Donors
Locations: United Kingdom