digital file Black & White Silent Unknown 16:23

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Summary: Gives simple diagrams of pathology of tuberculosis bacilli and shows school health examination, tuberlin testing, preparation of tuberculin, x-ray and treatment of suspected case. 3 segments.
Title number: 17943
LSA ID: LSA/21100
Description: Segment 1 A doctor is shown in a laboratory. He is artifically growing tubercle bacillus. He stains them so show them clearly in a microscope view. The intertitles explain that these bacteria cause tuberculosis. The anatomy of the lung area is explained using a labelled diagram. Lung tissue is seen under a microscope. The intertitles explain what happens when the body tries to fight tubercles. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:38:06 Length: 00:04:38:06 Segment 2 A doctor examines a young boy for early signs of tuberculosis. After a physical examination the doctor gives the tuberculin test, which is read 48 hours later. The method of preparing tuberculin for this test is shown and explained. The young boy has a dark spot on his skin on the test site, showing that he has been exposed to tubercle bacilli. Time start: 00:04:38:06 Time end: 00:09:30:09 Length: 00:04:52:03 Segment 3 An x-ray of the boy's chest is taken. The x-ray is shown and the infected area of the lung pointed out. The boy is taken to a 'preventorium' or sanatorium in the countryside to avoid further infection and receive a few months of 'intensive health training'. A typical day at the preventorium is seen, with children resting, playing and eating. Time start: 00:09:30:09 Time end: 00:16:23:22 Length: 00:06:53:13
Keywords: Respiratory System; Communicable Diseases; Tuberculosis; X-Rays
Locations: United States