Plaster bandage technique: Part 1
digital file Black & White Silent 1930 11:46

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Summary: Shows in outline the preparation of padded plasters of the lower limbs. 2 segments.
Title number: 17938
LSA ID: LSA/21095
Description: Segment 1 The intertitles explain that bandages must be kept stored loosely rolled and in airtight containers. They also describe the kinds of bandages used and the materials they are made from. The application of plaster to the leg and foot of a patient is shown, with the intertitles describing the procedure. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:56:10 Length: 00:05:56:10 Segment 2 The bandage is modelled around bony prominences such as the ankle. The date of the bandage application is written on. Another application of plaster to the leg and foot of a patient is shown, this time using a wool bandage only. The intertitles describe the stages of the procedure. Time start: 00:05:56:10 Time end: 00:11:46:21 Length: 00:05:50:11
Credits: Produced by Alan Todd.
Keywords: Orthopedics; Bandages; Leg
Locations: United Kingdom; England