Circulation of blood in man
digital file Black & White Silent 1926 15:15

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Summary: Outline of the course of blood-flow in man and in chick. Pulmonary circulation in man systematic circulation capillary circulation lymph circulation. 3 segments.
Title number: 17933
LSA ID: LSA/21090
Description: Segment 1 The course of the blood through the body is shown in an animation. A developing chick is shown in close-up. An animated diagram of the course of the blood through the chick's body is shown. Blood is shown moving through various blood vessels. A model of a human heart is shown and its parts are pointed out. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:53:17 Length: 00:04:53:17 Segment 2 An illustration of a dissected heart is shown and labelled. An actual heart is shown. An animation of a beating heart is shown. Pulmonary circulation is shown in an animation. The structure of a lung is shown in an illustration. The outflow of blood from the heart to the body is shown in an animation. Time start: 00:04:53:17 Time end: 00:09:44:17 Length: 00:04:51:00 Segment 3 The structure of muscle cells is shown, highly magnified. An animated diagram illustrates the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The exchange of food and waste is shown in another animation. The return flow of blood from the body to the heart is shown. The workings of the capillaries and veins are shown in an animation. Lymph circulation is shown in an animation. Time start: 00:09:44:17 Time end: 00:15:15:21 Length: 00:05:31:04
Keywords: Physiology; Blood Circulation
Locations: United States