digital file Black & White Silent 1926 14:56

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Summary: An overview of the anatomy and workings of the digestive system is given. Intestinal tract, mouth and oesphaegus, salivary glands, action of saliva, swallowing. Stomach structure, action of gastric juice, cineradiography of stomach. Pancreas. Liver. Gall bladder. Small intestine. Large gut. 3 segments.
Title number: 17932
LSA ID: LSA/21089
Description: Segment 1 The film begins with an animation of the digestive system. First, the mouth and oesophagus are looked at. An illustration shows the anatomy of the mouth, and parts are labelled. The anatomy of the salivary glands is shown, and an animation shows them working. A scientist demonstrates the process whereby saliva changes starch to sugar. The mechanics of swallowing are shown by an animation. Next, the stomach is looked at. The anatomy and structure of the stomach are shown using illustrations. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:02:19 Length: 00:05:02:19 Segment 2 The cut edge of a stomach wall is shown magnified in a diagram. The secretion of gastric juice is shown in an animation. A scientist demonstrates how gastric juice breaks up protein. The stomach in action is shown in an x-ray. Next, the intestines are looked at. The anatomy of the intestines and structure of the small intestine are shown in illustrations. Time start: 00:05:02:19 Time end: 00:10:03:22 Length: 00:05:01:03 Segment 3 Film of the small intestine shows how peristalsis moves partially digested food. The villi of the small intestine are looked at and shown in illustrations. An animation shows the lymph entering the blood stream. The large intestine is shown, and its anatomy and structure shown in illustrations. An animation shows the workings of the large intestine. Time start: 00:10:03:22 Time end: 00:14:56:05 Length: 00:04:52:08
Further information: https://wellcomelibrary.org/item/b16697698#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0
Keywords: Gastroenterology; Digestion; Digestive System; Saliva; Stomach; Intestine, Small; Intestine, Large
Locations: United States