digital file Black & White Silent 1927 13:46

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Summary: A superficial introduction to the concept of bacteria. Making culture media innoculating a culture incubation how bacteria multiply microscopy staining. 2 segments.
Title number: 17931
LSA ID: LSA/21088
Description: Segment 1 Scientists are shown working in a bacteriological laboratory. The metaphor of growing plants in gardens is used to describe how scientists grow cultures of bacteria. The process is demonstrated. First, the culture media is made. All the equipment needed is displayed, and a scientists demonstrates the process. Next, growing the bacteria is demonstrated. Bacteria from vinegar, water, rich earth and dust are grown. The growth of bacteria through cell division is shown in high magnification. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:50:01 Length: 00:06:50:01 Segment 2 The bacteria continue to grow. The grown bacteria cultures are displayed in their petri dishes. The bacteria are examined and shown in close up. The process of staining the bacteria in order to see them more clearly is demonstrated. The three common shapes of bacteria are shown in an illustration, and in high magnification. The film ends with intertitles explaining that most bacteria are harmless, a few are harmful and some are very useful. Time start: 00:06:50:01 Time end: 00:13:46:17 Length: 00:06:56:16
Keywords: Bacteria; Bacteriology; Bacteria -- growth & development
Locations: United States