Simple goitre
digital file Black & White Silent 1927 16:33

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Summary: Anatomy and indications for surgical intervention in simple non-toxic goitre. By diagram, illustration and x-ray pictures the anatomy and complications caused by simple enlarged thyroid are shown. 3 segments.
Title number: 17927
LSA ID: LSA/21084
Description: Segment 1 Maps of the United States show the incident rate of goitres in the population. The normal anatomy of the neck is described using illustrations. A doctor is seen examining a female patient's neck, with the patient sitting up and lying down. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:18:01 Length: 00:05:18:01 Segment 2 The intertitles note that surgery may be used to treat particularly unsightly goitres. A patient with such a goitre is shown, and an illustration is used to describe the anatomy of the neck in such a case. Some goitres are very large and in problematic positions, so these also require surgery. An illustration shows the anatomy of the neck in such a case, and an animation shows the growing goitre. A patient with a large goitre is shown. Illustrations and x-rays are used to show how enlarged goitres can cause deviation of the trachea. One example of a goitre growing downwards into the chest is shown using illustrations and x-rays. Time start: 00:05:18:01 Time end: 00:11:38:03 Length: 00:06:20:02 Segment 3 Another case such in which the growth encircles the trachea is shown using illustrations, shots of the patient and x-rays. An illustration of the cross-section of the neck is shown. The rare case of the goitre resulting in partial paralysis of a vocal cord is shown using diagrams. The film ends with intertitles stressing the need for close and regular examinations of patients with goitres in order to avoid serious complications. Time start: 00:11:38:03 Time end: 00:16:33:13 Length: 00:04:55:10
Credits: Produced by G. W. Crile
Keywords: Anatomy; Endocrinology; Goiter; Neck
Locations: United States