digital file Black & White Silent 1926 16:08

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Summary: Using stylised diagrams throughout, some of them animated, the physiology of the skin is described in an elementary way. Various integuments epidermis growth replacement. Dermis structure. Nails. Touch cells. Sweat glands. Hair follicle. Care of skin. How a blister forms. 3 segments.
Title number: 17926
LSA ID: LSA/21083
Description: Segment 1 Various animals are shown, to demonstrate the different types of skin. The human skin is shown. The structure of the skin is explained using diagrams and animations. The structure of the epidermis is shown. The growth of the epidermis is shown by an animation. The structure of the dermis is shown. The structure of the touch corpuscle is shown. The sensation of touch is demonstrated, and an animation shows what happens when a probe touches the skin. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:26:15 Length: 00:05:26:15 Segment 2 The secretion of sweat is explained. An illustration shows the structure of the sweat gland. A diagram shows the movement of fluid and secretion of sweat. A sweaty palm and forehead are seen. The hair follicle is looked at in close detail, as well as what happens when the hairs stand on end, producing 'goose flesh' or 'goose bumps'. The muscle of the hair is shown in an animation. The sebaceous glands are looked at in detail. Time start: 00:05:26:15 Time end: 00:10:31:03 Length: 00:05:04:13 Segment 3 The structure of the nails is looked at, including an explanation of how the nails grow. Care of the skin is explained, emphasising the need to keep the skin clean. A proper method for washing the hands is demonstrated. The forming of a blister is shown by animations and illustrations. The treatment of a blister is shown. Time start: 00:10:31:03 Time end: 00:16:08:08 Length: 00:05:37:05
Keywords: Dermatology; Skin; Hair Follicle; Sweat Glands; Epidermis; Touch; Nails; Blister
Locations: United States