Operation for abdominal cryptorchid
digital file Black & White Silent 1930 17:00

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Summary: Shows preparation of a colt for operation to remove a testicle. Exploration of inguinal canals abdomen opened and testicles removed. 3 segments.
Title number: 17923
LSA ID: LSA/21080
Description: Segment 1 The patient is a 4-year-old colt. One testicle has already been removed in a previous operation, but the surgeon does not know which. The horse is secured with a rope and pushed onto its side. Its tongue is tied to the lower jaw and chloroform is applied. The horse is wrapped in a blanket and placed in the dorsal position. The testicular area is prepared for surgery. An incision is made. The surgeon's arm explores the area to determine which testicle was previously removed. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:34:23 Length: 00:06:34:23 Segment 2 The surgeon determines that the left testicle has already been removed. The right-hand side is incised and the surgeon's fingers explores the inguinal canal, but no testicle is found there. The abdomen is then entered through the transverse abdominal muscle and peritoneum. An abnormally large testicle with unusual spermatic cord is found. The testicle is removed and displayed to the camera. Time start: 00:06:34:23 Time end: 00:11:49:20 Length: 00:05:14:22 Segment 3 The wound is sutured. The horse is untied. The testicle is dissected. The horse wakes up and is walked around. Time start: 00:11:49:20 Time end: 00:17:58:14 Length: 00:06:15:19
Credits: Produced by Sir Frederick Hobday
Keywords: General Surgery; Veterinary Medicine; Horses; Cryptorchidism; Testis
Locations: United Kingdom; England