Occipital puncture
digital file Black & White Silent 1929 9:13

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Summary: Route of needle demonstrated on skeleton, by diagram and on patient. Aspiration and air replacement for encephalography. 2 segments.
Title number: 17915
LSA ID: LSA/21072
Description: Segment 1 A film showing the procedure for an occipital, or cisternal puncture, at the base of the skull. A demonstration is performed on a skeleton, showing where to insert the needle at the top of the spine, and base of the skull. The correct position is also shown by using an illustration of a cross-section of a brain. The operation is performed on a female patient. The skin on the neck is prepared with iodine and anaesthetic. The needle is then inserted and fluid is collected. The needle is withdrawn. The patient turns her head and smiles at the camera. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:45:02 Length: 00:04:45:02 Segment 2 The same procedure is done whilst the patient lies face down on a bed. A similar procedure is repeated, this time air is introduced for the purpose of encephalography (radiography of the brain). Time start: 00:04:45:02 Time end: 00:09:13:14 Length: 00:04:28:12
Credits: Produced by Prof. E. Leschke, Charite Hospital and Berlin University.
Keywords: Neurology -- surgery
Locations: Germany