Tetany after an adrenalin injection
digital file Black & White Silent 1928 7:21

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Summary: The effect of adrenalin injection on two children following forced breathing for ten minutes. 1 segment.
Title number: 17914
LSA ID: LSA/21071
Description: Segment 1 This film looks at the similar effects of adrenalin injection to tetany. The intertitles note that whenever the word 'tetanus' appears, the word 'tetany' should be read instead. A healthy 13-year-old girl is the case study. She lies naked on a hospital bed, and a doctor tests her reflexes by tapping her joints with a small hammer. She breathes very deeply for 6-8 minutes and then holds her breath. The doctor then injects her with an adrenalin solution. She immediately becomes very rigid, particularly her hands, which are shown in close up. Her hands gradually become more flexible. The next case study is an 11-year-old boy, who is also shown lying nude on a bed. He breathes very deeply for 10 minutes and is then given an injection of adrenalin solution. Spasms set in immediately once more, and his extremities become rigid. When he breathes normally, the symptoms disappear. His hands and feet are shown in close up. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:07:21:05 Length: 00:07:21:05
Credits: Produced by Dr J Duzar.
Keywords: Pharmacology; Epinephrine; Tetany; Pediatrics
Locations: Hungary