Treatment of a normal breech presentation
digital file Black & White Silent 1926 25:56

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Summary: A breech birth is shown from beginning to end. Stages: Confirmation of diagnosis second stage in operating theatre episiotomy Pinards manoeuvre to deliver legs anaesthesia depended to avoid undue haste with head. Shoulder delivered manually head delivered by mouth traction placenta delivered cervix and perineum repaired catheter passed the baby. 4 segments.
Title number: 17908
LSA ID: LSA/21065
Description: Segment 1 The intertitles introduce the mother, age 22, who is at term with a normal pelvis. The fetus is of average size and the labour pains have begun. The film shows how to diagnose the breech position. The doctor's hands are shown feeling the mother's abdomen, and the intertitles explain what to look for. The doctor listens to the fetus' heartbeat and draws on the mother's stomach where the heart is, and the outline of the baby. An x-ray of the abdomen, showing the fetus and mother's spine, is seen. An illustration shows the breech position. Intertitles and an illustration explain the findings of a rectal examination, but the examination itself is done by the doctor so that the camera cannot see it. The intertitles say that the mother and child are both in good condition, but that the baby's condition must be carefully monitored. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:23:03 Length: 00:06:23:03 Segment 2 The delivery is imminent, and the intertitles explain how to prepare for it. The mother is shown with her legs held far back. An illustration shows the outline of the baby against the mother's body. The fetus is pushed by the mother towards the perineum. An episiotomy is performed and the vaginal passage lubricated. The fetus starts to emerge. Time start: 00:06:23:03 Time end: 00:12:09:05 Length: 00:05:46:02 Segment 3 The doctor performs Pinard's manoeuvre on the baby's legs - flexing them so they are released. The intertitles explain that the anaesthesia is deepened, and warns the audience that more babies are lost at this stage due to misapplied force than through asphyxiation from slow delivery. The intertitles explain how to aid the birth, and a demonstration is made on a model, showing how to deliver the shoulders. With the head only remaining, the intertitles warn that paralysis must be prevented and that the neck must be handled carefully. The doctor pushes down on the abdomen to help the head out. A demonstration is made on a model. The baby being out, the intertitles explain that the birth was easy and forceps were not needed. The baby is shown crying. Time start: 00:12:09:05 Time end: 00:18:24:04 Length: 00:06:14:24 Segment 4 The cervix and perineum are inspected and repaired, and the intertitles note that only a few steps of the operation are shown. The episiotomy wound is sewn up. The baby girl is shown in swaddling clothes with a sign displaying her weight. Time start: 00:18:24:04 Time end: 00:25:56:21 Length: 00:07:32:17
Credits: Produced by Prof. J. B. de Lee and Chicago Lying-In Hospital
Keywords: Obstetrics; Parturition; Breech Presentation
Locations: United States; Chicago; Chicago Lying-In Hospital