Management of a normal birth in a continental clinic: Part 5
digital file Black & White Silent 1925 8:51

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Summary: Management of the newborn child. 2 segments.
Title number: 17904
LSA ID: LSA/21061
Description: Segment 1 The intertitles state that immediately after delivery, 'the child is closely examined for defects'. A nurse is shown examining the child, and then bathing him and washing his face. The intertitles note that a different cloth is used for the face. The umbilical ligature is tightened and knotted whilst wearing fresh sterile gloves. The stump of the umbilical cord is enveloped in sterilised dressing after it has been dusted with sterile gypsum. The umbilical dressing is shown being applied. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:11:16 Length: 00:04:11:16 Segment 2 One drop of a solution of notrate of silver is introduced into each eye. The bottle and dropper are shown, and then the procedure. The solution of silver nitrate forms an albuminate of silver in a thick drop in the corner of the eye. The drop is shown being wiped away. An identification disc is attached to the baby. He is then weighed and measured and wrapped in swaddling clothes. Finally, the baby is given to the mother. Time start: 00:04:11:16 Time end: 00:08:51:08 Length: 00:04:39:17
Credits: Produced by Dr Von Mikulicz Radecki and Berlin University
Keywords: Obstetrics; Parturition
Locations: Germany; Berlin