Management of a normal birth in a continental clinic: Part 1 , Preparation for a birth
digital file Black & White Silent 1926 23:16

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Summary: This film shows the preparation for a birth in a hospital. 4 segments.
Title number: 17901
LSA ID: LSA/21058
Description: Segment 1 The intertitles explain that the birth shown in this film lasted for many hours, though the film shows only parts of it. The mother is shown arriving at hospital and being dressed in a hospital gown by a nurse. The nurse also performs an external examination. The nurse administers a soap water clysma in the rectum using a rubber tube. The mother's feet are washed and the intertitles note that if time permits, the woman should be completely washed. The maternity nurse trims the pubic hair and washes the external genitals. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:49:14 Length: 00:05:49:14 Segment 2 The external genitals are rinsed. The maternity nurse sterilises her hands in order to perform an internal examination. The intertitles describe the stages of disinfection, which include scrubbing, cleaning the nails and washing in soap and water, 70% alcohol, and cresol and soap solution. Time start: 00:05:49:14 Time end: 00:11:48:16 Length: 00:05:59:02 Segment 3 The nurse performs an internal examination. The intertitles describe the correct way to clean the vagina before the examination begins. They then describe the correct method of inserting the fingers into the vagina. A demonstration is performed on a model, showing the correct and incorrect methods of examination. The obstetrician then takes the patient's history, and he is seen sitting on the bed talking to the mother. He then performs an external examination using Leopold's four grips. Time start: 00:11:48:16 Time end: 00:18:11:22 Length: 00:06:23:06 Segment 4 The obstetrician continues to examine the mother. He feels her pulse and measures her pelvis. A model pelvis is used to show the distances to be measured. The Rhomboid of Michaelis is inspected. The mother is examined for edema. Her heart and lungs are examined. Her breasts are examined. The intertitles state that the examination is interrupted when the labour pains set in. The labour pains are observed. Time start: 00:18:11:22 Time end: 00:23:15:24 Length: 00:05:04:02
Credits: Produced by Dr. Von Mikulicz Radecki and Berlin University
Keywords: Obstetrics; Pediatrics; Parturition
Locations: Germany; Berlin