Intestinal peristalsis
digital file Black & White Silent 1928 20:47

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Summary: Normal intestinal movements of a rabbit and a cat are shown in this film. 4 segments.
Title number: 17898
LSA ID: LSA/21055
Description: Segment 1 The intertitles state that the animals used in this film are anaesthetised with urethan and their abdomens opened under warm Ringer's solution. The first part of the film displays the intestine of a rabbit, and how it moves with rhythmic, segmenting movements. Rhythmic segmentation is also shown in the duodenum of a cat's intestine. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:01:07 Length: 00:05:01:07 Segment 2 A peristaltic rush is shown trying to start in the intestine of a rabbit. A peristaltic rush in the small intestine is shown. Swaying movements in the terminal ileum are also shown. Time start: 00:05:01:07 Time end: 00:10:04:17 Length: 00:05:03:10 Segment 3 Movements of the rectum are shown. Movements of the haustra of the colon are shown. Rush waves in the colon are shown. Normal reverse peristalsis in the colon of a cat is shown. Time start: 00:10:04:17 Time end: 00:15:19:20 Length: 00:05:15:03 Segment 4 The movement of faecal balls in the colon of a rabbit is shown. The rectum of a rabbit is shown as it is trying to empty itself. An intussusception is shown forming in the colon. The intussusception is then shown as it pulls out. Time start: 00:15:19:20 Time end: 00:20:47:15 Length: 00:05:27:20
Credits: Produced by Drs. W. C. Alvarez, Dr. A. Zimmerman and Mayo Clinic
Keywords: Gastroenterology; Intestines; Animals; Physiology
Locations: United States