Management of a normal birth in a continental clinic: Part 2, Stage of dilation
digital file Black & White Silent 1926 8:00

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Summary: The second stage of labour. 1 segment.
Title number: 17886
LSA ID: LSA/21043
Description: Segment 1 The mother is shown lying in a hospital bed. The intertitles explain that for the purposes of the film, her whole abdomen has been laid bare. A nurse listens to the fetus' heartbeat, counting for 15 seconds and measuring the time using an hour glass. An internal rectal examination is performed. The intertitles note that the os uteri is almost fully dilated, and that in order to show the membranes in the film, specula have been inserted in the vagina, though this is not permitted in practice. The membranes are shown in slow motion, and also shown during labour pains and when the mother is straining. When the os uteri is fully dilated, the membranes are ruptured by means of a ball forceps, though the intertitles state that they are only to be ruptured when certain indications are present. The waters break, and this is shown in slow motion. The intertitles note that it is a 'remarkably heavy bag of waters'. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:07:02:16 Length: 00:07:02:16
Credits: Produced by Dr Von Mikulicz Radecki and Berlin University
Keywords: Obstetrics; Pediatrics; Parturition
Locations: Germany; Berlin