digital file Black & White Silent 1930 7:22

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Summary: History, aetiology and pathology of rabies. A clinical case history facies of hydrophobia treatment prognosis. 2 segments.
Title number: 17885
LSA ID: LSA/21042
Description: Segment 1 Intertitles tell the history of the observation of rabies, beginning with Aristotle's 4th Century B.C. account of the disease in dogs. The intertitles also explain the etiology of rabies, and how infection in humans is usually due to the bite of a rabid dog. The pathology of rabies is also described, and how negri bodies, or cell inclusions, are found in the nervous system of a carrier of the disease. Magnified slides are shown of Ammon's Horn, where negri bodies are most numerous. The nerve cell, nucleus and negri body are pointed out. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:03:09:13 Length: 00:03:09:13 Segment 2 A clinical case study is introduced. A 9-year-old boy was bitten by a stray dog two months prior to admission to hospital. The intertitles describe his course of treatment and inform the viewer that he died fourteen hours after admission, and that the film was made six hours before his death. The boy is seen sitting in a cot, with his leg tied to the bars. The intertitles describe how his facial expressions and movements are typical of a rabies sufferer. The film also shows his expression of fear when offered a cup of water. It is explained that his mentality, except for some excitability, remained normal until shortly before his death. The film shows him repeatedly and passionately refusing a cup of water. The captions explain his treatment, but also how once the disease has developed, no treatment is of any use as the disease is always fatal. Time start: 00:03:09:13 Time end: 00:07:22:03 Length: 00:04:12:15
Credits: Produced by J. H. Hess and Cook County Hospital, Chicago.
Keywords: Communicable Diseases; Rabies
Locations: United States; Cook County Hospital; Chicago