A day at Gebel Moya, season 1912-13
digital file Black & White Silent 1912-1913 12:42

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Summary: Scenes of everyday life, archaeological digging and communal sports and recreation at Gebel (or Jebel) Moya, an archaeological site in the Sudan, excavated by Sir Henry Wellcome between 1911 and 1914 as a public works project. Includes scenes of Sir Henry bicycling surrounded by Sudanese children, inspecting the excavations and consulting with archaeologists and officials. 2 segments.
Title number: 17861
LSA ID: LSA/21018
Description: Segment 1 An intertitle announces the beginning of 'Part Three' (Parts 1 & 2 are lost). Scenes of goats being herded by Sudanese people are shown, as well as shots of the surrounding countryside, camels drinking from the lake and a procession of pack animals walking along. Women are also shown collecting water from the lake. The excavation site is also shown, with local people working on it. A sports event is also organised, with local people taking part in races. The spectators wave at the camera. Sir Henry Wellcome cycles towards the camera, with local children running alongside him. Sir Henry Wellcome is also seen with other westerners watching the races. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:23:02 Length: 00:06:23:02 Segment 2 The village's goats and cattle are seen being herded, and the villagers drawing water from their well. The camera pans across the excavation site, showing Sir Henry Wellcome walking through it. A line of Sudanese people is seen, all of them holding books. The last shot is of the site from a distance, also showing the village huts. Time start: 00:06:23:02 Time end: 00:12:42:15 Length: 00:06:19:13
Credits: Wellcome Foundation Ltd.
Further information: This item forms part of the correctly compiled films of the same title, shelfmark 376.
Keywords: Archaeology; History of Medicine
Locations: Sudan; Jebel Moya