Routine use of ergometrine in the third stage of labour
digital file Colour Sound 1958 7:25

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Summary: This film demonstrates the use of intramuscular injections of ergometrine to expedite delivery once the head of the child has appeared, as advocated by Professor Nixon. Following the injection, contraction of the uterus begins, the placenta is expelled and the third stage of labour is completed with minimal delay and blood loss. 2 segments.
Title number: 17852
LSA ID: LSA/21009
Description: Segment 1 This first section includes a lecture, to camera, by Professor Nixon on the history of the use of ergometrine during childbirth and the research of Professor Chassar Moir. Nixon goes on to focus on the medical pros and cons of using ergometrine in the third stage of labour. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:20:00 Length: 00:04:20:00 Segment 2 Professor Nixon provides the voice-over commentary to a demonstration of the use of ergometrine in the third stage of labour. The surgical tools used in childbirth are shown and the midwife is seen preparing a syringe with a dose of ergometrine in it. A child is shown being born and after the head has appeared the midwife injects the mother with ergometrine before going on to deliver the placenta. Time start: 00:04:20:00 Time end: 00:07:24:23 Length: 00:03:04:23
Credits: Wellcome Foundation Film Unit with Professor W.C. Nixon (Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of London).
Keywords: Labor, Obstetric -- drug effects; Delivery, Obstetric; Ergot Alkaloids; Ergonovine -- therapeutic use; Parturition
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London