The technique of local anaesthesia as used by Prof H Braun
digital file Black & White Silent 1927 19:10

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Summary: This film demonstrates and describes techniques of applying local anaesthesia to various parts of the body. 4 segments.
Title number: 17851
LSA ID: LSA/21008
Description: Segment 1 Local anaesthesia for operations on the finger and the rectum / anus are shown. We see a medic injecting a woman's fingers. Then we see a detailed view of anal anaesthesia occuring. In both cases intertitles describe what the anaesthetic is composed of and the correct location to place the needle. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:32:23 Length: 00:05:32:23 Segment 2 This section begins with parasacral anaesthesia and uses intertitle descriptions and actual footage to demonstrate the principle. We are also shown local anaesthesia for a hyrdrocele operation. Time start:00:05:32:33 Time end: 00:10:28:03 Length: 00:04:55:09 Segment 3 Locan anaesthesia into the anterior abdominal wall for upper abdominal operations and local anaesthesia applied to the scalp are shown. Detailed intertitles are juxtaposed with actual footage of the procedure in both cases. Time start:00:10:28:00 Time end: 00:16:15:16 Length: 00:05:47:13 Segment 4 The blocking of the mandibular nerve for tooth extraction and local anaesthesia for thyroid operations using the method of Kulenkampf are seen. Detailed intertitles describe the procedure and it is shown in close-up on a male patient. Time start:00:16:15:16 Time end: 00:19:02:24 Length: 00:02:47:07
Credits: Produced by H. Braun and Zwican State Hospital
Keywords: Anesthesia, Local; History of Medicine
Locations: Germany