Living anatomical model
digital file Black & White Silent 1934 16:00

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Summary: This film acts as a demonstration of the action of muscles, vertebral column, hip and shoulder joints in living subject. 3 segments
Title number: 17837
LSA ID: LSA/20994
Description: Segment 1 A living subject is used to show the action of the muscles and joints. At first the action of the platysma and sternomastoid are shown. The model raises one arm repeatedly against resistance. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:03:23 Length: 00:05:03:23 Segment 2 The subject is seen raising and lowering his arms in order to show opposing groups of muscles. The action of the abdominal muscles is also shown when raising and lowering the torso and the legs. The action of the leg muscles is shown while the subject hops on one foot. Then the hamstring tendon and the gastronemius muscles are seen. The leg and foot muscles tibialis ianticus are shown. Time start: 00:05:03:23 Time end: 00:10:04:13 Length: 00:05:00:19 Segment 3 The action of the extensor brevis digitorum is demonstrated. The folds of the axilla, serratus anterior and pectalis major are demonstrated as the subject tenses and moves the muscles. Biceps brachii muscle is shown in supinated position, then the trapezius muscle is seen. The next demonstration is of the abdominal muscles, with the subject showing the transversus abdominis. The forearm muscles are seen with rippling action. Time start: 00:10:04:13 Time end: 00:15:48:23 Length: 00:05:44:09
Credits: Produced by R.D. Lockhart
Keywords: Anatomy; Muscles