Good Health; The work of Middlesex County Council's Hospital Service before the coming of the NHS
16mm film Black & White Sound 1949 0:00

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Summary: Film made by World Wide Productions for Middlesex County Council about the health service in London. A film about the changes in hospitals taken over by the Middlesex County Council since the Hospital Act of 1948 and the advent of the National Health Serv
Title number: 17822
LSA ID: LSA/20979
Description: The film shows the changes that have taken place since Middlesex County Council has taken over the management of hospitals in the North East and North West Metropolitan areas of London after the Hospital Act of 1948. Hospitals shown include Edmonton Hospital (now North Middlesec University Hospital), Redhill County Hospital (now known as East Surrey Hospital) and the Harefield Sanatorium (now part of the Royal Brompton and Harefield Trust. Services offered by the Hospitals and Sanatoria are shown including the workshops that help rehabilitation and spur on the recuperation process.The many different levels of wards and staff that keep these institutions running are shown including nurses, ward orderlies and cleaning staff. A nurse gives a short speech about trying to recruit more nurses to the service which is very understaffed.
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.