Sounds of the Streets
DVD unknown Unknown 2009 0:00

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Summary: Documentary produced by BEAT productions featuring a short film (20mins) about the heritage and history of black music by investigating and documenting those people who have played a part in it.
Title number: 17788
LSA ID: LSA/20940
Description: Starting in the fifties and ending in the late eighties young people reflect on the wide musical experience of previous generations and relate it to black music today. Interviewees include Janet Kay, Victor Romero Evans, Dennis Bovell, Ashley Walters, Henry Bonsu, and many others. There are visits to the Huntley Archives at LMA and Colourful Radio
Further information: Access by written permission only. music BEAT (Black Experience Archive Trust) ran from October 2008 - October 2009 at Highgate Wood School in North London. Students on the project learned research, filmmaking and journalistic skills and produced a 20 min