Memories of the genuine children of Limehouse Chinatown
DVD unknown Unknown 2005 0:00

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Summary: Reminiscence with Limehouse inhabitants born in the area and from Hong Kong and Shanghai, about their East End upbringing, neighbourhood, war, shops and businesses, families who lived there, and how they interacted with each other in the 'slum' area
Title number: 17784
LSA ID: LSA/20936
Description: DVD1: 'the photographs' - Connie and Leslie Hoe talk about their photograph collection of the area. 'Down Memory Lane': Connie Hoe, Leslie Hoe and Leslie Heng reminisce as they walk about the streets of Limehouse. DVD2: 'what we remember': interviews edited together into various subjects. Interviewees: Connie Hoe, Leslie Hoe, Leslie Heng, Brian Nicholson, Peter Wade, Dan and Nellie Kelly, Sarah Martin, Teddy Jacks, Richard Wang, Irene Felice, Elizabeth Ann Meyer and Ronald William
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.