Tape Two - Bogle
VHS Colour;Black & White Unknown 1979-1983 180:00

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Summary: Tape Label: 'WR/WPA - funeral - interviews/grenada/Haiti'. Cassette Box Label: 'BLP 1979 - cultural event - last 5 mins WR-WPA - Guyana - funeral - WR speaking. Grenada - preUSA invasion - Bishop etc and programme Haiti'.
Title number: 17654
LSA ID: LSA/20801
Description: Begins with the final performance from the cultural evening celebrating 10 years of Bogle L'Ouverture Publications held at the Commonwealth Institute in 1979. Drummers and dancers perform then words of thanks to the organisers, a present given to Carmen Munroe and event ends with everyone on stage whilst a band plays. Black&White - poor quality sound. (Timing: 0-14 mins) There is a section of two men including John la Rose speaking about Bogle Publishers and 10 years of Bogle. (Timing: 15-17 mins) There is further footage of the Bogle Bookshop with Eric and Accabre Huntley (Timing: 18-47 mins) and a return to John La Rose speaking about Caribbean communities and a Rastafarian speaking about the Rastafarian religion. (Timing: 47-51 mins). The rest (Timing: from 51mins) contains 3 short films: 'IN THE SKY'S WILD NOISE' (1983) Guyana; An Autonomedia/Victor Jara Collective Film Director: Lewanne Jones; Colour/Black and White - Sound/SilentSound; Documentary of Walter Rodney and his analysis of the Guyanese Worker's struggle. There is footage from Rodney's funeral. Made three years after his murder in 1980, it contains an interview with Rodney filmed in 1977. He talks of the repression of the government of Guyana, control of the media, and the use of unemployment as a control on political activists. 'GRENADA - IS FREEDOM WE MAKING?' International Broadcasting Trust/Channel Four; Producer/Director: Henry Martin Series: 'COMMON INTEREST' Transmission date: 15 February 1983 18:30-19:00 Channel Four Colour/Sound. On 13 March 1979 there was a bloodless revolution in the small Caribbean state of Grenada. The people's revolutionary government of Prime Minister Maurice Bishop has since met with fierce opposition from the US. President Reagan has described Grenada as 'a Marxist virus in the Caribbean'. But what is happening in Grenada and how are America's actions affecting the island's development? This film is a documentary about Grenada and what has happened since the revolution. BITTER CANE (1983); Director: Jacques Arcelin Colour/Black and White - Sound/SilentSound; Examines the history of Haiti, from the 1804 revolution to the occupation (1915-34) by U.S. Marines, and the repressive Duvalier regimes of 'Papa Doc' and 'Baby Doc.' Interviews with peasants, landowners, merchants and U.S. businessmen reveal the workings of the semi-feudal agricultural system and the rapidly growing industrial sector, including such consequences as growing unemployment in the U.S. and the perilous ocean voyage of Haitian refugees. Produced by Haiti Films, a New York-based cooperative, the film is an investigation of the conditions leading to the Haitian refugee crisis, and combines rare archival film with clandestinely-shot footage.
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.