Walter Rodney: 'Remembering Walter Rodney - 30 Years On'
DVD unknown Unknown 2010 0:00

Video not currently available. Get in touch to discuss viewing this film
Summary: Prepared by George Fowokan Kelly. Event held 13 June at City and Hackney Careers Centre, 5 Tyssen Street, Hackney. Sponsored by Bogle and others. DVD features a biography of the life of Walter Rodney, researched and narrated by Dr Margaret Andrews and pro
Title number: 17652
LSA ID: LSA/20799
Description: Prepared by George Fowokan Kelly. Event held 13 June at City and Hackney Careers Centre, 5 Tyssen Street, Hackney. Sponsored by Bogle and others. DVD features a biography of the life of Walter Rodney, researched and narrated by Dr Margaret Andrews and pro
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.