Nightingale House - Compilation tape of press coverage
VHS unknown Unknown 1999 15:00

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Summary: Fettis Films. Reproduced by Format Transfer Services, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). A compilation tape of press coverage from 1999 that features Nightingale House in various news reports.
Title number: 17648
LSA ID: LSA/20795
Description: Features: Newsnight discussion panel about the Royal Commission on long term care for the elderly, includes Linda Grant (journalist), David Lipsey (Royal Commission), Frank Field (M.P. Labour) and Prof. Philip Leather (Birmingham University). 1st March 1999 - Sky News report about the Royal Commission. Features Leon Smith, Director of Nightingale House, is interviewed as well as some residents. 20th August 1999 - Breakfast News, item about new study showing old people that are more active live longer and featuring the arts and crafts room at Nightingal House. 20th September 1999 - One O'Clock News item about the elderly needing to do more exercise as part of the United Nations Year of Older Persons and featuring the staff and residents of Nightingal House.
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.