Nightingale House: Monty Modlyn version
16mm film Colour Sound 1983 0:00

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Summary: Graphic Films Limited, 2 Lower James Street, Golden Square, Westminster LB. This film features elderly Jewish residents of the Nightingale House, Home for Elderly Jews in Clapham.
Title number: 17642
LSA ID: LSA/20789
Description: It is the largest independent nursing home of its kind in Europe catering for the elderly, infirm and those in need of long term nursing care. Funded by donations, it was founded in 1840 in the East End of London and moved to Clapham in 1904. This film features interviews with residents and features a look at the services provided for the 400 residents who live there. Shots include: physiotherapy, doctors and dental clinics, social activities, religious services and the refurbishment and enlargement of the house. A film by Graphic Films Limited. Producer - Leon Clare; Writer/Director - Isaac Spiegel; Cameraman - Barney Greenwood; Commentator - Monty Modlyn; Music - Carl Davis
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.