Going For It
16mm film Colour Sound 1988-1991 0:00

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Summary: John Grooms Association - 125 years of working with the Disabled.
Title number: 17626
LSA ID: LSA/20773
Description: 'The challenge of living faces all of us every day. In this film we see disabled people speaking up for themselves and showing how they face their daily challenege. A positive approach to living when you have a physical disability is not easy but it is going on all around us. 'Going for It' is not a call for sympathy but for a reaction to help mutual understanding. It does not give all the answers and leaves us with the opportunity to discover our own motivation. A number of the projects by John Grooms Association for Disabled People are featured including Personal Development Centres, Care Support Schemes, Housing and Holidays'
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.