Unfamiliar London
Digital Betacam video cassette (DigiBeta) unknown Unknown 1973 0:00

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Summary: Programme: 'Some Nationalist Leaders'. Transmission Date: 30th November 1973. Running Time: 31:54 mins
Title number: 17562
LSA ID: LSA/20708
Description: Description: This studio-based programme opens with 3 presenters from Scotland, Nigeria and India. As the topic to be discussed is the term Nationalism, what it means and how it developed, each presenter will focus on different expressions of nationalism throughout history in Europe, Africa and Asia. To begin, European examples of nationalism are detailed with a look at the Unification of Italy and Germany. A series of photographs, prints and maps, together with extracts from a number of famous speeches including those of Garibaldi, Napoleon III and Gladstone are all used. To highlight nationalism in Western Asia, the influence and work of Muhatma Ghandi is outlined including original footage from his travel around rural and urban India. To compliment this, a series of extracts are read from his essays and personal diaries. Finally, to show the role of nationalism in Africa the work of West African leader Kwame Nkrumah is discussed using original footage and photographs at events such as the 6th Pan-African Conference held in Manchester, 1945. Colour/B&W: Black and White
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.