Digital Betacam video cassette (DigiBeta) unknown Unknown 1973 0:00

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Summary: Programme: 7. Transmission Date: 4th May, 1973. Running Time: 17:52
Title number: 17544
LSA ID: LSA/20682
Description: Description: This programme looks at the development of new cities such as Milton Keynes and Basildon, and the role of a Town Planner in the organisation of such a project. To open the programme, street scenes of Kenton and general suburban life are shown with the Green Belt identified around London and the impact this had on the expansion of a city. As an example of how town planning worked to ease the problems of overcrowding in cities, Milton Keynes is shown as a model for what a new city could look like. To support the film footage of the development of Milton Keynes, Professor Llewelyn Davis is interviewed on his views to the project. Surrounding villages, such as Stoney Stratford, are shown and how the creation of a new city will impact on their community. Comparisons are drawn, using film footage, to American cities and how they have dealt with infrastructure and population growth. In addition, the type of concerns that surround town planning - for instance, in the City of London when redevelopment is approved, what type of building will be constructed? One to accomodate new offices, tourism or badly needed housing for local residents. To end, it is shown how town planning doesn't always get approval from the public and civil unrest in 1969 around the GLC Development Plan, and work intended for Piccadilly both proved controversial. Colour/B&W: Black and White. Key Subjects: Kenton, Milton Keynes, Basildon, Piccadilly, Stoney Stratford, City of London, Green Belt
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.