For Lancasters and Fighters
16mm film Black & White Sound 1943 8:30

Summary: Fundraising film for the 'Wings for Victory' campaign.
Title number: 17
Description: The film begins with crowds attending an exhibition in Trafalgar Square, featuring an entire Lancaster Bomber, in support of the National Savings Committee Wings for Victory campaign. A marching band and marching personnel from the RAF and US airforce walk along the street. The march goes past the Boudiccea statue on the Embankment. A number of military vehicles travel down Whitehall including a tractor pulling bombs, an 8000lb bomb, a 500lb bomb, a 4000lb bomb (marked 'This One for Musso') followed by a Land Mark Beacon on a trailer, a 20 KVA Trailer, an aerial lighthouse, a floodlight trailer, an RAF bomb disposal squad truck carrying defused enemy ordinance (including a 2,200lb German bomb), marching members of the Norweigian Air Force, the band of the Polish Paratroops, men of the Polish Air Force. The commentary relates the importance of the fund raising drive to the war effort and states that Bexley Heath's target is '11 Lancaster Bombers and 12 fighters, in money: £500,000'. There follows scenes from a RAF fund raising parade in Danson Park,Welling with the Bexley Heath Mayor in attendance. Prayers are said for success in the Wings for Victory week, the Mayor, Councillor E.P. Cooper, says a few words followed by the Town Clerk who reads messages from Sir Kingsley Wood and Sir Archibald Sinclair, Mrs J.O. Adams MP introduces Hugh Dalton from the Board of Trade. Mr Dalton tells the crowd that 'Never did so many sacrifice so little for the sake of so much'. Bexley Heath's Wings for Victory procession marches past the crowd and some saluting dignitaries. The march includes Air Cadets, both male and female, Red Cross nurses,members of the national fire service, civil defence staff, and the British Legion, while a Military band plays. End titles inform the audience that 'Bulldog 'Winnie' hopes you will all save up to the maximum. Finance is the fourth arm of defence'.
Credits: Photography by: Pat Gay; photography by: B. Huchins; photography by: Anthony Cardew; Sound: Imperial Sound Studios
Further information: Normans Film Unit with grafteful acknowledgement to the Polish Air Force Film Unit. Spool is marked in pencil 'Wings for Vic' [Victory].
Keywords: Air force; Fundraising; Second World War (1939-1945)
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Kent; Bexley; Welling | United Kingdom; England; London; City of Westminster