VHS unknown Unknown 14.10.1985 0:00

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Summary: Racist remarks Brent Education (archive listing)
Title number: 1671
LSA ID: LSA/2187
Description: Reporting London's investigation into the way children are being educated in Brent. Brent in the news for racism, including "racist body language". Interview with Maureen McGoldrick (suspended Head of Sudbury Primary School). Describes her experiences after being branded a racist. NUT solicitor interviewed. General views of children playing at Sudbury Primary School. Chair of governors also interviewed. Facing second hearing by Brent Council. Double jeopardy. Underachieving black children in Brent schools. Accusations of "institutional racism" within Brent. The "little red book" Brent's written body of rules - exhaustive procedures of how to deal with racism. Lots of vacancies at senior level. Director of Education's resignation. Shortages of teachers. Children being sent home because of shortage of staff. Reports on "Brent's Pygmalion Policy" a leaflet being handed out in the street accusing individuals of being White Supremacists and talks of Mentacide - mental genocide of black children in the Borough. After blank section of tape another unkown programme about the Jasmine Beckford case interviewing experts indicating a gross error in judgement on the part of Brent Social Services. Jasmine being removed from "at risk" register without medical advice. Jasmine enrolled at Princess Frederica School. Reconstructed scene of social worker responsible for the child. Social worker's positive outlook and letting the family start afresh. Year by year analysis of jasmine beckford case. Interview with neighbour. David Bishop, Area Manager of Social Services interviewed about inattention to the school. Jasmine's injuries. Suggested lessons learnt from much anticipated report.
Credits: Credits: Reporter: Margaret Jay, Producer: Sally Doganis & Editor: David Dickinson
Further information: To view this film one week's notice is required. Please contact Brent Archives, Willesden Green Library Centre, 95 High Road, Willesden Green NW10 2SF. Tel: 020 8937 3541. Email:
Keywords: racism; education; Brent; social services