Local Government Network
VHS unknown Unknown 1992 0:00

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Summary: Local Government Network - information video explaining the new scheme for sharing of information and debate.
Title number: 1670
LSA ID: LSA/2186
Description: Looks at the LGN, a new way for local government to communicate with central government, their own associations and professional bodies. Foreword by Chief Executive Ian Denholm. Scheme starting in early 1993. Programme on satellite television covering issues that affect local government. Highlights include imposition of the new council tax to replace the very unpopular poll tax. One unique aspect of the programme is there is a phone in element where local government representatives can pose questions to members of central government. LGN seen as a way of opening up debate. Also open to the public to learn more about local government and how it is funded and run. Also facilitates an exchange of information on to your PC.
Further information: To view this film one week's notice is required. Please contact Brent Archives, Willesden Green Library Centre, 95 High Road, Willesden Green NW10 2SF. Tel: 020 8937 3541. Email: archives@brent.gov.uk.
Keywords: local government; performance management; communication;