Choices: Racism / Mr Magic Feet
VHS Colour Sound 19.07.1987-23.07.1987 67:00

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Summary: BBC 1 Choices series with Rabbi Julia Neuberger. An evening panel debate show discussing attitudes to people from different races and culture in Britain. TX: 19.7.87. Mr Maji Feet BBC 2 Eye to Eye Documentary by Black filmmakers on "Mr Magic Feet" TX: 23.7.87
Title number: 1662
LSA ID: LSA/2178
Description: BBC Choices episode on racism - Panellists: Paul Boateng Labour MP for Brent South, Ann Dummett Director of the Runnymeade Trust which researches race issues in Britain, Dr Bhiku Parek Professor of Political Theory at Hull University, John Pilger International Journalist of the Year and participating audience. Points discussed English nostalgia for Empire, the essence of Englishness, redefining Englishness as eccentric, practical and easy going, comparison between US and England and the place of Balck Americans in the society in the US. Other comparisons are Canada, Asia and Africa. Paul Boateng thinks racism is an Anglo Saxon problem. If you're Black it's negative. Sexual inequality much easier to tackle than racial inequality. BBC 2 Eye to Eye Documentary about "Mr Magic Feet", Black ballroom dancer Enrico Stennett. Came to England from Jamaica in the Windrush. Settled in Cable Street in the East End. His passion for ballroom dancing at the time of the colour bar in England led to an involvement in politics. Worked as Community Relations Officer responsible for youth projects. Originally worked at Lyons Tea House on the Strand. Became a Communist. Differences in styles e.g. Foxtrot and Swing. The Paramount was one place Black people could go. Employed as one of Mecca's demonstration dancers taking the new styles out to the the suburbs of London. No mention of Brent although of interest to see the prejudices, early race relations, the work of the African League and the Notting Hill riots in London.
Credits: Produced by Julian Henrique.
Further information: To view this film one week's notice is required. Please contact Brent Archives, Willesden Green Library Centre, 95 High Road, Willesden Green NW10 2SF. Tel: 020 8937 3541. Email:
Keywords: Dance; racism; Paul Boateng; communism
the film with him. I would be happy to help with
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