First Run: Pitika Ntuli
VHS unknown Unknown 11.08.1988 0:00

Video not currently available. Get in touch to discuss viewing this film
Summary: First Run: Pitika Ntuli
Title number: 1659
LSA ID: LSA/2175
Description: Starts with part recording of "A Problem Aired" which is a counselling type show. Then Series of four programmes showcasing the brightest and best of London film schools in "First Run". In Part Two there is a film about South African Pitika Ntuli poet and sculptor in exile in London. A portrait told through the artist work. Footage of unrest in colour. Pitika Ntuli sculpting in his garden and talking about his work and the message he is trying to convey.
Further information: To view this film one week's notice is required. Please contact Brent Archives, Willesden Green Library Centre, 95 High Road, Willesden Green NW10 2SF. Tel: 020 8937 3541. Email:
Keywords: art; sculpture; African peoples;