The West London Film
VHS unknown Unknown 1985 0:00

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Summary: Video about how the Greater London Council is creating an alternative economics strategy for jobs in West London.
Title number: 1653
LSA ID: LSA/2169
Description: In 1924 the fortunes of the West of London changed as industry flooded to the area. 1930s archive footage of factories with commentary. Park Royal mentioned. The expansion of the railway westwards. Firms like Hoover built their factories in West London. The flourishing motor industry - Hudson, Park Royal vehicles AEC built buses. Closure of component factories in the early 80's. Food industry - shows footage of Heinz and Guinness. Industrial decline particularly in Brent. Firestone first factory to be built on Western Road. GEC Osram moving out of the area. Collapse of Johnson Matthey Bankers Ltd. The shift away from the Golden Mile of Brent to the new Sunrise Belt of Slough, Reading etc. Brent became more for warehousing than manufacture. The arrival of new retail outlets in Brent meant the de-skilling of the work force. Exceptions to this rule were Standard Book Binding in Park Royal. and Heston airport which of course gave way to Heathrow. Also looks at what the GLC and GLEB are did to create an alternative strategy for jobs in West London. Racism towards immigrants coming into the country e.g. virginity testing. Merle Amory talks about the massive unemployment of black and asian people in the Borough and what is being done about it.
Credits: director: Jon Davies
Further information: To view this film one week's notice is required. Please contact Brent Archives, Willesden Green Library Centre, 95 High Road, Willesden Green NW10 2SF. Tel: 020 8937 3541. Email:
Keywords: industry; manufacturing industry; motor vehicle industry; unemployment; retail; Brent; London; cultural inequality;