Festival of Brent
VHS Colour Sound 1993 26:00

Summary: A film showing the many and varied activities of the Festival of Brent. The film features many local residents and celebrities, who undertake a number of musical,dance and artistic activities.
Title number: 1652
LSA ID: LSA/2168
Description: A man in a white laboratory coat takes a display stand of the Brent coat of Arms from the back of a green classic council lorry with the London Borough of Brent on the side of the vehicle.
Opening title:Festival of Brent
Strapline: Gala Opening School Banners. Brent Town Hall.
Eleven large and colourful painted banners drape the side of Brent town hall they depict heroes and legends and include Martin Luther King, Dalai Lami, and a quote from Mother Teresa 'Let us always meet each other with a smile'.
A group of excited school children are gathered outside the building chanting 'B-R-E-N-T', the man in the laboratory coat reappears and stares quizzically in the camera, more children are seen excitedly cheering at the camera and fireworks are launched at the top of the council building, to the night sky.
Strapline: Willesden Green Library Centre Cinema Opening of 'The Picture House'
A cinema entrance announces 'Gala Opening Wednesday' with posters of the films being shown, these include 'Hear my Song' and 'Strictly Ballroom' both released in 1992.
People enter the foyer of the cinema and a colourful popcorn machine is seen, inside the foyer a smartly dressed man in a suit offers popcorn to the camera asking 'would you like some popcorn?'
Strapline; Biban Kidran Famous Film Director
Beeban Kidron Film director speaks directly to camera responding to the question 'who's my hero?' she replies 'Rosa Luxemberg, and she doesn't come from Brent either!' and laughs and turns away from the camera.
Strapline: Willesden Green Library Centre Outdoor Cinema Event
At night a film is projected onto a wall outside the cinema, children are taking popcorn from the popcorn machine which is lit up.
A group of school children pass around a white balloon with 'Happy St Patrick's Day' printed on the balloon, an Irish piper is playing to the camera and then tells us that 'St Patrick's night is a night for all Irish people to celebrate especially those aboard, and to make then feel if they are home for one night'.
Strapline: Traditional Irish Band and Dancing'
A group of people are dancing to Irish music, expertly performing a routine and the musicians are seen playing a variety of instruments.
A neon lit sign states Welcome to Brent Council Brent Town Hall Wembley.
Strapline: Tea Dance Brent Town Hall
A distinguished elderly man dressed very smartly in a suit and red pocket handkerchief smiles at the camera and announces that he was 'born in 1901 and this June will be 92, and he has been dancing all his life' a number of couples are seen ballroom dancing in a town hall, smiling towards the camera, the DJ is seen on the screen waving to the camera.
Strapline: Nubian Spotlight Comedy Club. Willesden Green Library Centre.
An entertainer dressed all in black with a distinctive hat (possibly nubian?) is on stage talking to a member of the audience who looks slightly awkward, but is smiling, before the show begins.
A young girl dressed in a beautiful golden Asian dance costume performs a great dance routine, and spins around.
Strapline: Asian Dance Competitions
Two Asian women in beautiful blue and red costumes perform a dance routine to an Asian drummer at the front of the stage, his hands are seen drumming rhythmically in profile while the woman in the red dress performs her routine.
A group of young school girls are in matching green and red Asian costumes smile towards the camera, a close up of a young Asian dancer with her face adorned with beautiful jewelry and ear rings.
Strapline: Would-Be Famous Asian Dancers
A group of young Asian girls in beautiful bright costumes are standing expectantly in a stairwell, they seem excited, perhaps waiting to perform their dance routine.
A young Asian girl in a red dance costume preforms her dance routine, and appears to tell a story with elaborate hand gestures, a small group of girls are on stage continue performing the dance, perfectly choreographed.
Strapline: Hero and Legend
A group of male Asian dancers are seen wearing distinctive purple, orange and green bandannas, smiling at the camera and holding a picture of a man in orange uniform and hat, who is clearly revered by the group, they perform a dance routine on stage, and are wearing very distinctive blue and pink dance costumes.
Children are seen leaving the event smiling with the parents.
Outside the Tricycle theatre two young men announce 'I think I'll go to Brent today' a number of paintings are on a gallery wall in the Willeseden Gallery, two girls admire and laugh at a painting of Prince Charles with a row of black guardsmen, the younger giggles and points to 'Prince Charles big ears!'.
Strapline: Willesden Gallery 'Images of Brent'. Art competition.
Strapline: Prize Winner
A close up of a painting depicting three people.
Strapline: Second Prize Winner
A close up of painting depicting a West Indian DJ at a festival.
A man and woman are outside a white municipal building both are wearing sunglasses and the man has a baby strapped on his back, he announces that they are from Russia and live in Brent, and they are in front of the Shreeswaminarayan Temple.
Strapline: Jed Murphy Violin Maker
Jed Murphy is seen in a workshop, expertly making a violin for the Brent Music festival.
Strapline: Classical Music Competitions
A number of young musicians are seen with a variety of instruments performing in the competition.
The entrance to Wasps Football Club, an archway and fixture board show us the entrance to the ground.
Strapline: Black Writers Week Harlesdan Library.
A black woman author is seen by a microphone announcing the start of the festival, and how much she is enjoying being part of the festival.
Strapline: Lemmy Sissay Writer
Lemmy Sissay is seen outside the library performing a rap.
Strapline: Asian Music Competitions
A number of young Asian musicians are seen performing with a variety of instruments, the judges are seen, watching and judging the competition.
Strapline: Winners
Two young very proud boys talk about their inspiration in winning the competition playing the tabla.
Strapline: Mr & Mrs Len Snow
Mr & Mrs Len Snow are in their study holding a copy of book on the history of Brent which has been produced with the support of Grange Museum.
Strapline: Grange Museum
Exterior view of the museum, the man in the white laboratory coat appears again, looking quizzically at the camera appearing to move us on!
An official looking man is seen checking tickets as a number of people file pass him.
Strapline: Brilliant the Dinosaur. Richard Stillgoe. Brent Town Hall.
A number of school children in green t shirts are on stage singing, we see the conductor Richard Stillgoe waving his baton, looking at the children performing.
Strapline: Richard Stillgoe
We see close ups of the children performing, and a brief glimpse of the dragon, with bight lit up eyes! The band are seen in profile as we see a long shot of the choir on the stage.
A number of residents are seen in different locations declaring to camera 'I love living in Brent!'
Strapline: Senior Citizens Talent Competition Brent Town Hall
Our Laboratory Technician reappears on stage checking microphones and gives the camera his quizzical look!
We see a number of senior citizens perform different acts, including two tap dancers in top hat and tails, the woman tap dancer performs an expert tap routine, and a number of singers!
Strapline: 'Fun Day'. Willesden Green Library Centre.
A man dressed as Charlie Chaplin is outside Willesden Green Library Centre entertaining a number of people.
A one man band entertains a number of small children, a man in a Dracula costume prowls around looking for and finding a victim announces 'I Like the blood in Brent, I will be back!' and a man conducts a 'whac a mole' game on an usherette type tray. A young boy draws a notice stating 'Brent' and proudly shows it to the camera.
A cleaner is seen outside a Toilet smiling to the camera and announces 'I keep Brent very clean'.
Strapline: River Brent
A view of the river with trees overhanging the peaceful and idyllic river.
A man and a boy pull out a sailing boat from the river and are asked 'where is Brent?', to which the man replies; 'Somewhere around here'.
Strapline: Welsh Harp
Linton Kwesi Johnson announces to camera that he is taking part in the festival of Brent and is very happy to be here.
Strapline: Accordion Competition
A number of children perform and take part in the accordion competition, performing on a small stage, with music stands, a young boy expertly and studiously plays a piece and the crowd warmly applaud him.
A elderly man man dressed in a khaki coat and hat stands outside a white building and announces he is Max Rubinson(?) and lives in Brent around the corner from the synagogue.
Strapline: Arik Halfon Famous artist and Mosacics at Anson Primary School
A school room, children are designing and making a series of mosacics under the supervision of Arik Halfron, they are working intently and carefully placing small tiles on patterns and drying the finished work.
The children explain how they selected a range animals from those that live in the sea to those that fly, the impressive and colourful mosaics appear on a staircase,and the work represents two schools.
Ken Livingstone MP for Brent East, is seen outside Willesden Green Library Centre, opening the exhibition surrounded by children, we see close ups of the impressive mosaics showing a range of brightly coloured animals.
Strapline: Barnham Park Library
A beautiful Tudor building with brightly coloured daffodils in the foreground, A lady standing in the gardens announces that she is Charlotte Lamb a writer for Mills and Boom for over twenty years.
Strapline: Charoltte Lamb Very Famous Writer. Barnham Park Library
Strapline: 'Too Black to Rock' B.M.I.A Music Sessions and Seminar
Two rock musicians are on stage in brightly coloured clothes playing the guitar and bass, and rocking to the music!
The lead singer of two tribes rock band announces that he is attending the first seminar dealing with black people in rock
Strapline: Kazaih Jones Famous Rock Star
Kazaih Jones talks to the camera stating that he is happy to support the seminar, and it should have happened a long time ago, he is asked if he 'enjoys being famous?' and laughs and looks away as the camera cuts.
Strapline: Dub War Famous Rock Band
Dub war are on stage performing a song, the lead singer is dramatically dancing to the rock music
A young boy in fashionable army fatigues talks to the camera to announce that he 'doesn't like Kazaih Jones and doesn't want to be famous!'
Strapline: Wembley Stadium Brent
The twin towers of Wembley stadium are seen on a gray day.
Strapline: Head Groundsman
A deserted and empty Wembley, from behind the goal we see the stadium and the famous Wembley turf, we heard a voice over from the Head Groundsman stating 'I love living and working in Brent'.
Strapline: Irish Music Competitions. Artas na nGael. Winners.
We see a number of musicians in the competition these include, two young boys playing an accordion and Bodhran(Irish drum) on stage, a young girl plays a decorated and distinctive accordion and receives warm applause as she finishes her piece and smiles,a fiddle player, three young girls who receive an award from Tom Taylor Chairman, Arts and Libraries, and a young man plays the banjo intently.
Strapline: Tom Taylor Chairman, Arts and Libraries.
A worker announces that he loves working for Brent.
A school stage scene, a group of children are in Egyptian costume and the colourful tomb of Tutankhamen is in the background, they are performing a song and dancing, we see a group of Egyptian drummers in costume, who then play steel drums, as the play continues.
Strapline; Leopold Primary School Art-In-Education-Project.
Two young girls outside Barnham Library announce 'They love living in Brent'.
Strapline: 'Kasoombingo Rang' Heritage of Gujarat Organisation Event
Asian musicians perform on a brightly coloured stage, playing an array of instruments and singing
A distinguished Asian gentlemen announces that 'he loves living in Brent'.
Strapline: Kilburn Library
Internal view of the library as people approach the desk to check out books, we then see an external view of the library building.
Strapline: Art Gala Presentations Willesden Green Library Centre
A number of pictures are on display, The Mayor presents a number of awards, as the crowd applause, the winner is being photographed before her winning entry.
Outside the Tricycle Theatre an elderly woman announces that she has lived in Brent for '20 years and it's OK on the whole although the traffic has got busier'
A man waves from the inside of a mini cab office.
Strapline: Pick of the Festival Concert Willesden Green Library Centre
We see a range of musicians in different categories perform.
Strapline: Winner Accordion Competition
Strapline: Winner Asian dance Competition
We see the winner of the Jed Murphy violin , a young girl who is presented with the violin, and smiles happily to the camera, acknowledging her win.
An extended view of the beautiful mosaics featured earlier in the film.
Closing Title: The festival of Brent 93' was produced by the Department of Education, Arts and Libaries as part of Brent Council's Total Quality Programme and was made possible through the financial assistance of:
London Arts Board
United Biscuits (McVitie's)
London Borough Grants Scheme
Brent Environment Services
Marks & Spencer PLC
Brent Regeneration Agency
Anson Primary,Barham Primary,Chalkhill Primary,Gladstoen Primary,Leopold Primary,Lyon Park Junior,Mora Infants,Mount Stewart J&M, Our Ladt of Grace RC Juniors, Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary, Roe Green J&M,Sudbury Juniors, Wembley Manor Juniors, Wykeham Primary School.
Hay Lane Special School, Alperton High School, Our Lady of Lourdes, Wembley High, Willesden High, William Galdstone High. Central Middlesex Hospital Copeland Residential Home.
John Leslie & the Accordion Academy(Cricklewood).
George Benham, Executive Director Department of Education Arts and Libraries
Alex Cuffy & the Black Music Industry Association (Harlesden)
Black Mime Theatre Ensemble Ltd
Elizabeth Ellwood, Doris Spradbrow and Lance Ritchie from Brent Arts Council
We would like to pay a special tribute to Stella Phillips, who sadly passed away last October, Stella worked tirelessly on the Music Festival for many years.
John Blandy, Julie Bird, Sue Whitmore and the Brent Artists Register.
Brent Music Service, Brent Phillharmonic, Brent Recreation Arts Group, Brent Symphony Orchestra, Tony Jones, Lyn Goleby, Phillip Adenwalla and Lyall French from City Screen Ltd, Cliff Cocker and the Creative & Community team at the college of North West London, Dave & Di from Cafe Gigi, Cricklewood community Play Association, Joanne Owen and the Disability Unit
Paul Fagan from Environmental Services, Forward Leisure, Grange Museum, Arik Halfon mosaic artisit, Kevin Harrison sculptor, Kingsbury Cornhalias, London Lundsman and the 1st World Team, London Tamil institute, Ken Livingstone MP, Clary Salandt & Speedy Ramdeen and the team from Mahoogony
Mills & Boom, Mister Patties, Jed Murphy violin maker,Gill Wilson North West London Partnership, Arlene Conway, and Opera for All, Elizabeth Ormiston, Chairman, Department of Education Arts and Libraries, Stables Gallery, Stonebridge Drama Group, Tom Taylor Chairman Arts and Libraries, Tricycle Theatre
Eric Fobe & John Lamony from Trident, All traders who displayed the festival of Brent poster, The Tamil Association of Brent, Taylors Hire, Richard Stilgoe, David Seaman, Arsenal Football Club, Anita Coleman, artist, Wembley Stadium, Steve & Helen from Willesden Bookshop, Charles Wood, Chief Executive, Brent Council
Festival of Brent '93
Technical Services
Rupert Charles, Vic Haynes, Roly Paul, Neville Satnbury, Tony Jones
Publicity Jill Whiteheadm Room 3 Ltd, The Council's Public Relations Department, Nick Kingham & The Ad Shop
WGLC & Town Hall Venue Management
Lyn Austin, Jenny Bloom, Janet Graham,Pam Sealym Jaya Shah, Shakuntala Shah, Rehana Shah, Beverley Williams
Literary Festival Lorraine Comer, Anne Mullane
the staff and customers of Barham Park, Cricklewood, Ealing Road,Harlesden,Kensal Rise, Kilburn, Kingsbury, Neasden, Preston, Tokyngton, and Town Hall Libraries, and Willesden Green Library and Outreach services.
Artmonth 93
Graham Bernard, John Crean, Caroline Jenkinson
Festival Operations Team
Katrina Coleman, Paula Gunning, Chris Buckley, Graham Walker
Festival Coordinator John Roseveare
Festival Commissioner Frank Quigg
Festival of Brent 93': The film
The team; baldie,redhead, clowns trousers and Ben Rumncoke
MIR Television Facilities Limited.
Producer and Camera Nick R.G. Smith
Director Barry Badblood
Sound Kash Aspeeek
A Tall Stories Production 1993
Credits: Producer and Camera Nick R.G. Smith; Director Barry Badblood; Sound: Kash Aspeeek
Further information: Beeban Kidron http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0452319/
Keywords: Dance; community; Brent; Music; Festival