Brent News Coverage
VHS unknown Unknown 13.01.1998 0:00

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Summary: Programmes: BBC Breakfast (8am), Wildlife Garden - Neasden Roundabout; ITV London (6pm), Boundary Commission's Proposals for Change Argument Brent/Harrow.
Title number: 1640
LSA ID: LSA/2156
Description: BBC Breakfast time feature about the nature reserve created in the unlikely setting on Neasden Roundabout and backed by Brent Council. Peter Mayne reports. A pond and tree and shrub planting will create picnic areas and a haven for local wildlife. Live at the roundabout with interviews with local resident Bill Oddie and a spokesperson from London Wildlife Trust. The project is costing £12,000. Then a story from 6pm News about Boundary Commission Proposals for change. Councillors from Brent and Harrow squabbling over Wembley Stadium and all of North Brent. Cllr Ron Grant from Harrow and Cllr Sandra Ernstoff from Brent are filmed arguing over the boundary.
Further information: To view this film one week's notice is required. Please contact Brent Archives, Willesden Green Library Centre, 95 High Road, Willesden Green NW10 2SF. Tel: 020 8937 3541. Email:
Keywords: Neasden; wildlife conservation; local government boundaries